From the website: To celebrate Manitoba’s 150th birthday, we’re continuing our series of #MB150 beers with Prairie Common – a reinterpretation of the ‘California Common’ style, modified with local ingredients.
As this pale/amber-coloured beer fills your glass, malt, caramel, and pine aromas fill the spring air. On the tongue, you’ll enjoy a balance of clean malty notes and a subtle hoppy finish.
Starting with the heart of any beer, the malt, we sourced base 2-row malt from the prairies. To bring this batch home, we used Chinook hops from @prairiemountainhops. You can find a little taste of home in ALL our beers – we’ve been brewing them exclusively with Manitoba spring water since day one. 5.6% ABV
Appearance: Mildly cloudy with an amber hue. Light to moderate amount of carbonation in the body and the head is quite thick to start off to quickly diminish to be light with a light beige hue to it, very light amount of lacing on the glass as it goes down.
Aroma: Smells like a brewery currently in the middle of a brew - very wet grain aroma with notes of honey, a bit of a toasted malt presence, slight soapiness, grassy hops, a hint of clove and bubble gum. Fairly Belgiany for yeast.
Taste: The first thing I thought while sampling this beer was that it reminded me of an amber ale - it's sweet, caramelly, notes of honey, so lots of malt presence to it. The beer is a bit grassy, grainy but light, has bubble gum and a light breadiness from the what seems to be Belgian yeast. Incredibly smooth, smooth to the point that I can't type as fast enough as the beer is disappearing by the moment.
Overall Thoughts: The first two beers in my life that I wanted to absolutely drain pour were a California Common and a Belgian Tripel, Nonsuch does both, and I like both styles as well. This has a lager vibe with an amber ale twist to it. Sweet, grassy hops with a very faint bitterness, smooth. Thanks again for another beer for me to try, Chris!
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