Salty Dog Salted American Pale Ale is part of Vessel's cocktail-inspired series of beers. 5.5% ABV
Appearance: Pours a very cloudy orange body with a moderate amount of carbonation in the body. The head starts out quite thick but not in any way gushing, with a beige hue to it. The head diminishes fairly moderately, leaving behind a webbing of foam on the glass.
Aroma: This is quite reminiscent of a gose as it's quite salty, but not quite as sour/tart as I was expecting. The beer does have a moderate amount of lemon sourness to it, but also a good amount of floral and grassy hop presence to it, as well as a large presence of sweet barley. There's a bit of a funkiness that reminds me a bit of Brett, but I'm not quite sure.
Taste: Salty, ever so slightly sour with lemon, a bit funky but not overly. Decently dry Pale Ale with a grassy hop presence, as well as a mild floral/pine presence to it. Light amount of sweetness, citrusy and good amount of graininess from the barley. The aftertaste is a light barley presence with a bit of bitter hops.
Overall Thoughts: Every sip I take in this beer, I expect this to be a Sour/Gose but the sourness just doesn't really attack my palate at all, aside from a mild funkiness, so it's pretty interesting. I used to really like Goses/Sours but after having too many at Foudres Unis in Quebec two years ago.. I can only handle so much sour beer before wanting something light on the stomach like a Pilsner.
When I first sampled this a couple days ago, I was "wow, this is interesting!" So I will definitely will be buying this again, and not just because I'm a huge fan of Nonsuch, this is a bit different, nice for a hot summer day. I'm really intrigued by a whole series of cocktail-inspired releases, I can't wait for a rye + beer cocktail once Patent 5 Distillery next door can release their Whisky. Also, a Tequila Gose beer would be quite nice with lime, tequila and salt.
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