From the website: Stranger Than Fiction is a full-bodied porter with plenty of roast flavour with hints of molasses. Ridiculous amounts of chocolate and pale ale malts make this porter a smooth and creamy brew. 5.5% ABV / 25 IBU
Appearance: The beer starts off pouring as a rich cola brown, but as it settles into the glass it turns very dark in appearance, near black. This is what my buddy Ben calls a Cody pour as I poured with a bit too much head (my own fault), he'd be laughing at me right now if he saw it. It has a rich burnt caramel hue to it and diminishes rather quickly, leaving behind a good amount of lacing on the glass.
Aroma: It's the middle of July but this smells great even now! It's got notes of burnt caramel, bit of coffee, dark chocolate, and a bit of earthiness of peat. Sweet, bitter.
Taste: Your typical Porter, it's sweet with a lot of bitterness to it. There's notes of molasses, a good amount of roasted malt giving it a bit of a burnt coffee presence to it, notes of peat, a bit of a cola-like sweetness (caramel?). Smooth for mouthfeel, while the aftertaste is a tad bitter that I'm not too sure whether it's the hop or roasted malt.
Overall Thoughts: Sweet Porter with a lot of earthiness of peat to it, notes of molasses, burnt caramel, bitter. Pretty decent.
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