Review: Burdock Tuesday Saison

Burdock Brewing
- Tuesday Saison

From the website: Tuesday is a uniquely can-conditioned classic-style Saison. Aromas of spice, clove, fresh straw & pineapple. Dry-hopped lightly with premium European Tettnanger and Saphir hops. 5.3% ABV

Appearance: Cloudy with a murky lemon yellow body to it, lots of carbonation and a very thick snow white head that diminishes a tad that eventually leaves behind a lot of lacing on the glass.

Aroma: Belgian yeast, tad bit of spice, LOTS of lemon, hint of soapiness, leafy hops.

Taste: Citrusy, sweet, floral, leafy hop presence, notes of orange, lemon, hint of Belgian yeast. Watery mouthfeel, aftertaste has a hint of yeastiness and a bit of pear at the end.

Overall Thoughts: I've sampled a few other Burdock beers recently and they were all solid so I was surprised how meh this was. Lots of juiciness to it but it just didn't do anything for me.

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