Review: Vessel Crumb Queen Munich Dunkel (A Crumby Beer)

This is a release I've been waiting on for several weeks now.. I think I was waiting on this beer weeks before I tested positive for COVID and that was well over a month ago! But dammit.. I like what I like. Today's sampling is Crumb Queen Munich Dunkel by Vessel Beer, a collab with the Crumb Queen Bakery in Winnipeg. The centrepiece of the label is Crumb Queen owner (Cloe)'s cat Walter. A Crumby Beer is a Munich Dunkel brewed at 5.0% ABV and described as a smooth, crisp German-style dark lager with light notes of chocolate, dark fruit and bread.

Appearance: Very dark brown with a bit of a nutty caramel brown hue to it in the spots I can get a faint look from.. as well as a moderate thickness of yellowish-beige head on top that diminishes to leave behind only a light amount of head on top of the beer, no lacing on the glass at all.

Aroma:  Sweet, nutty, bready, full of caramel and raisins. It's aromatic and has a faint banana bread-like presence to it, but with a caramel and raisin presence rather than banana. Tad toasty, hint of peat.

Taste: Incredibly sweet dark lager with a heavy sweet bread presence to it.. definitely gives off a banana bread or whatnot kind of presence but with a lot of caramel and raisins, again. It's got a moderate nuttiness to it, a bit of chocolate, but pretty much sweet bread-forward. 

Overall Thoughts: Hmm, when I first heard that this was a Dunkel, I thought to myself Heyyyy, Nonsuch already did a Dunkel, so why would Vessel?! While they're pretty much the same company(ish), this and Nonsuch's Dunkel are definitely different from each other, this one isn't as banana-y as expected, but definitely has more of a bready presence.

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