Review: Brasserie Dunham Sovy Lager Blonde Bohémienne

Today's review is Brasserie Dunham's Sovy Lager Blonde Bohémienne (Bohemian Blonde Lager). There's not much info about the beer but it's a Czech-style lager and tops out at 4.0% ABV. I won't be making my way to Quebec any time soon so it's nice to find random treats like this at places like Quality Beer Store.

Appearance: Pours a cloudy blonde-straw body with a moderate amount carbonation in the body and a thick amount of snow-white head on top. The head diminishes a tad as the beer gets sampled, leaving behind a bit of lacing, as expected.

Aroma: Crisp and grainy lager with a kick of barley to it, notes of lemon, lots of grass and a hint of cucumber at the end. 

Taste: Sweet lager with a lot of barley to it, fairly dry on the palate, noticeable noble and bitter hops lingering for aftertaste and a hint of cucumber popping up again. Bit grassy, hint of lemon, bit more aggressive than some Czech lagers but quite nice.

Overall Thoughts: Not a fan of cucumber but this lager was pretty decent, but it's no surprise as just about every beer I've ever had from Dunham has been great.

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