Review: Half Pints Stir Stick Stout

A few months back Half Pints announced that they're retiring their classic Stir Stick Stout in bottle form. Ever since they started selling their beer in the Tasters Pack back in.. 2008? It was a staple in the case, but once the beer's labels will run out, they will be planning to replace Stir Stick Stout with the seasonal of the month, meaning while the delicious breakfast-friendly stout will be replaced with beers that may not have been previously available in some places due to the seasonals being usually in 650mL bottles. Stir Stick will only be available on tap in Winnipeg and possibly at growler bars.

For now, Stir Stick is still available in the 341s in the Taster Pack and since I discovered I haven't reviewed it yet.. here we are!

Appearance: Stir Stick pours a black coffee, thick, dark. Burnt caramel head, creamy, and went down quickly. Fairly fizzy which is a surprise for a stout.

Aroma: Dark, nutty, rich coffee, reminiscent of a small town diner's fresh brewed coffee - nothing fancy but very aromatic and inviting. Hint of cream, a bit of dark chocolate.

Taste: Nutty right off the bat, roasted malt to give it a bit of bitterness, lots of black coffee and just a hint of dark chocolate. Creamy mouthfeel and leaves a bit of a bitter aftertaste.

Overall Thoughts: A very solid stout, very coffee-licious with nutty background to it, creamy mouthfeel and a bitter coffee aftertaste. It's going to suck when this is no longer available in the Taster Pack, but honestly - I haven't purchased the Taster Pack in a long time because I'm not a fan of St James Pale Ale, but it's their most popular beer!

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