Appearance: A very thick, near motor oil appearance as I pour it into the glass, very heavy and black stout. There's a moderate amount of burnt caramel head on top of the stout but it diminishes to a few bubbles here and there.
Aroma: Pretty much gives off a really rich chocolate brownie aroma to it.. chocolate brownies that were aged in Bourbon barrels.. oh, that would be nice! The stout is very sweet, chocolatey, rich notes of Bourbon that give off a bit of a boozy burn, notes of peat, but also a hint of vanilla, and of course a nice oaky woodiness from the barrels.
Taste: Boozy chocolate brownies!!! It's a very sweet forward boozy Stout with a lot of chocolate, notes of Bourbon, caramel, vanilla, oak. Fairly dry mouthfeel and the aftertaste is oak and Bourbon. Slighty silky to the palate.. quite a rich stout.
Overall Thoughts: The perfect stout for a lazy Sunday when you have no chores to do and it's darn -17C out. Damn this is good. I'd put this in the same category as Kentucky Bastard from Nickelbrook Brewing.. though they've tamed down the beer in recent years.
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