Today's sampling is Jopenkerk Haarlem's Hypercolour Double IPA. Pump up the juice. There is a danger of explosion for this exotic fruit bomb! We brewed Hypercolour with different types of hops. This colourful Hazy DIPA is bursting with tropical hop flavours such as lime, lemon, gooseberries and lychee. The beer is juicy with a thick creamy mouthfeel. 8.5% ABV
Appearance: Thick, creamy so making it so so hazy, orangey and the holder of a massive off-white head on top of said beer. The head diminishes pretty quickly, so it leaves a pretty even lacing on the glass as it's getting sampled. Pretty standard look for a Hazy Double IPA.
Aroma: It's a very melon/guava forward Double IPA with a bit of orange, a floral yet bitter pine presence at the end. Nothing wowing.. it's a solid classic take on an American Hazy IPA.
Taste: Decently bitter with pine but there's a good deal of booziness that burns at the same time, but it's no surprise as it's 8.5% ABV! Notes of melon, guava, orange peel, lemon and for some reason a bit of bubble gum. This is certainly a sipper as I took one large sip and the beer kicked my ass. Yeah, looks can be deceiving, it's a heavy beer for a Double IPA.
Overall Thoughts: Hefty, boozy, lots of fruitiness. When we think about beer in Europe, we think old school classics but after going to a beer fest and many brewpubs in NL/BE, American juicy-forward IPAs are really popular elsewhere too.
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